2017年4月26日 星期三

祇園 ぎおん Gion

祇園[註 1]日語祇園),位於京都府京都市東山區,是京都市區內代表性的鬧區風化區
Gion (祇園, ぎおん[note 1]) is a district of KyotoJapan, originally developed in the Middle Ages, in front of Yasaka Shrine (Gion Shrine). The district was built to accommodate the needs of travelers and visitors to the shrine. It eventually evolved to become one of the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in all of Japan. The term Gion is related to Jetavana.
The geisha in Kyoto do not refer to themselves as geisha; instead, they use the local term geiko. While the term geisha means "artist" or "person of the arts", the more direct term geiko means essentially "a woman of art".
Gion. (2017, March 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
05:01, July 3, 2017
, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gion&oldid=771670538
祇園 ぎおん Gion//Steven拍攝
祇園 ぎおん Gion//Steven拍攝
祇園 ぎおん Gion//Steven拍攝
祇園 ぎおん Gion//Steven拍攝