2017年4月20日 星期四

出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha

出雲大社(いずもおおやしろ、正仮名遣いでは「いづもおほやしろ」/ いずもたいしゃ)は島根県出雲市大社町杵築東にある神社である。式内社名神大出雲国一宮で、旧社格は官幣大社。現在は神社本庁包括に属する別表神社宗教法人出雲大社教の宗祠。
Izumo-taisha (出雲大社Izumo Grand Shrine), officially Izumo Ōyashiro, is one of the most ancient and important Shinto shrines in Japan. No record gives the date of establishment. Located in IzumoShimane Prefecture, it is home to two major festivals. It is dedicated to the god Ōkuninushi (Ōkuninushi-no-mikoto), famous as the Shinto deity of marriage and to Kotoamatsukami, distinguishing heavenly kami. The shrine is believed by many to be the oldest Shinto shrine in Japan, even predating the Ise Grand Shrine.
A style of architecture, taisha-zukuri, takes its name from the main hall of Izumo-taisha. That hall, and the attached buildings, were designated National Treasures of Japan in 1952. According to tradition, the hall was previously much taller than at present. The discovery in the year 2000 of the remains of enormous pillars has lent credence to this.
Several other buildings in the shrine compound are on the list of Important Cultural Properties of Japan.
Izumo-taisha. (2017, May 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
04:54, July 4, 2017
, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Izumo-taisha&oldid=779817482
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝
出雲大社 いずもおおやしろ Izumo-taisha//Steven拍攝