2017年4月19日 星期三

櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima

櫻島(日語:桜島さくらじま Sakura-jima),位在日本九州鹿兒島縣鹿兒島灣中,是鹿兒島的象徵代表,也是一座活躍複式火山,火山口距離有50萬人居住的鹿兒島市市區僅8公里距離。
Sakurajima (Japanese桜島lit. "Cherry blossom Island") is an active composite volcano (stratovolcano) and a former island in Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan.[1] The lava flows of the 1914 eruption caused the former island to be connected with the Osumi Peninsula.[2]
The volcanic activity still continues, dropping large amounts of volcanic ash on the surroundings. Earlier eruptions built the white sands highlands in the region. As of September 2015, the volcano is under a Level 3 (orange) alert by the Japan Meteorological Agency, signifying the volcano is active and should not be approached.[3] The most recent eruption started on February 5, 2016.[4] On September 13, 2016 a team of experts from Bristol University and the Sakurajima Volcano Research Centre in Japan suggested that the volcano could have a major eruption within 30 years.[5]
Sakurajima is a stratosphereic-volcano. Its summit has three peaks, Kita-dake (northern peak), Naka-dake (central peak) and Minami-dake (southern peak) which is active now.
Kita-dake is Sakurajima's highest peak, rising to 1,117 m (3,665 ft) above sea level. The mountain is located in a part of Kagoshima Bay known as Kinkō-wan. The former island is part of the city of Kagoshima.[6] The surface of this volcanic peninsula is about 77 km2 (30 sq mi).
Sakurajima. (2017, June 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
10:52, July 4, 2017
, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sakurajima&oldid=786964800
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝
櫻島 桜島/さくらじま Sakurajima//Steven拍攝